Friday, February 11, 2011

Day 15 - Key West, FL (Feb 11, 2011)

Day 15 -  Friday Feb 11, 2011 - Key West, FL

Weather change today, temperature is dropping and it is cloudy, down to 20c, and for Key West it is parkas time and it funny to see people wearing parkas in the middle of "summer".

This morning's dive is on a wreck called the The Cayman Salvage Master (  This ship has had a sorted past, everything from Cuban refugees to laying mines in WWII, etc..  The wreck sits at 33m (or about 100ft) so this will be a Nitrox dive, with an 8 to 10 deco time on assent, surfaced after 40mins with 1,000PSI, so I am OK, but that water is cold.  Of interest was the jew fish that was off in the distance, we are talking a major fish here 10ft long by 6ft high, with over 1,000 cleaning fish in tow, I have never seen anything like this in all my diving.  BTW this was dive #59 for me.

Dive #60 was on the "ball and chain" reef, yes there is a story here as well, but this has a cave swim through, which of course I did.  Was down for 58minutes, max depth of 10m, with lots of fish, got some fantastic photos, which will be posted. 

Ken and Karen in Key West

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